Saturday, March 17, 2012

the kind or hamster

hamster is different with the mouse. hamster has short tail. i have some cute hamster named lilo, lito, lily and lala. then they have some baby after 3month since i bought them from the pet shop.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi baik di Indonesia maupun dalam lingkup Global telah berkembang pesat. Dari media cetak hingga audio visual, dari teknologi analog hingga digital juga perkembangan internet. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan dunia bisnis terutama di bidang marketing yang identik dengan berhubungan dengan orang lain atau dalam konteks pemasaran adalah konsumen.
Marketing sendiri adalah seperti suatu sistem yang dimulai dari tujuan apa yang akan direncanakan, menciptakannya, menentukan harga, mempromosikannya dan mendistribusikan barang atau jasa tersebut untuk menciptakan dan menjaga hubungan yang dapat memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan pembeli aktual maupun potensial.
Namun marketing telah mengalami perubahan paradigma. Marketing telah melalui beberapa tahapan era, Mulai dari Era produksi yang hanya menekankan pada penjualan dan orientasi pada produk. Lalu pada era penjualan pada tahapan ini produksi masal yang sudah banyak dilakukan menimbulkan persaingan dalam penyerapan produk ke pasar, sehingga perlu langkah-langkah khusus untuk memungkinkan pengetahuan publik bahwa hasil produksinya memiliki keunggulan atau manfaat lebih sehingga diminati dan menjadi pilihan. Kemudian era Marketing yang mulai terorientasi terhadap konsumen yaitu melakukan identifikasi terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan sebelum melakukan produksi itu sendiri. Dengan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelanggan diharapkan pelanggan dapat dipuaskan dan kepuasan konsumen dianggap kunci terhadap keberhasilan perusahaan, orientasi ini disebut juga orientasi pemasaran berpusat pada pelanggan Dan hingga saat ini pada era relationship yang mementingkan hubungan baik dengan konsumen maupun supplier untuk jangka panjang.
Adanya relationship yang baik terbukti penting dalam memajukan perusahaan dan sebagai nilai tambahan untuk bertahan dari serangan kompetitor. Penjalinan relationship dimulai dari mengkomunikasikan pesan pemasaran dengan baik. Adapun cara yang dilakukan yaitu salahsatunya dengan menciptakan jejaring social.
Situs jejaring sosial merupakan situs yang mengikat para penggunanya untuk dapat saling berinteraksi dan menciptakan komunitas yang luas diantaranya melalui nilai-nilai berupa kesamaan hobi, pandangan politik, dan aspek lain.
Dengan Jejaring sosial maka memungkinkan pemilik bisnis mendapatkan publikasi tanpa biaya. Memungkinkan bisnisnya jauh lebih mudah diakses dari hanya sekadar memiliki situs sendiri. Pemilik dapat menggunakan situs jejaring sosial ini untuk berbagai hal misalnya untuk membangun reputasi, memperkenalkan merek bisnis dan meningkatkan merek yang ada karena semakin dikenal banyak orang. Potensi pemasaran dengan jejaring sosial ini sangat luar biasa. Apalagi situs jejaring sosial begitu banyak diminati. Ini dikarenakan para pengguna bisa melakukan interaksi secara langsung tanpa harus bertatapan muka dari berbagai kalangan individu. Lewat jejaring social kita bisa membangun jaringan perkawanan atau relasi bisnis dengan banyak orang dari berbagai belahan dunia. Selain itu komunikasi yang terjadi yaitu komunikasi dua arah sehingga memungkinkan pelanggan dapat mengetahui informasi yang diinginkan. Mereka dapat pula berkonsultasi sebelum memutuskan untuk memilih, khususnya dalam membeli sebuah produk.
Untuk membangun merek dan meningkatkan dan mempertahankan jumlah pelanggan, pebisnis perlu selalu memberikan informasi terbaru (me

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mengatur Hormon Kesuburan Wanita dengan Obat kontrasepsi

Wanita adalah makhluk yang indah. Dari sikap, penampilan fisik luar dan dalam juga perlu dijaga. Khususnya masalah reproduksi wanita yang tidak sedikit wanita memperhatikan tentang kondisi ini.
Reproduksi wanita tersebut termasuk adalah bagian kewanitaan yang kadang terlupakan dalam pemeliharaannya. Banyak waita lebih mementingkan wajahnya, memolehnya dengan bedak, rajin ke salon, perawatan, dll. namun pada organ yang merupakan organ vital dari seorang wnita kurang begitu diperhatikan.
Misalnya saja keputihan, gatal-gatal, bau tidak sedap, atau bahkan menstruasi tidak lancar merupakan masalah dari organ vital tersebut.
Nah disini saya mau fokus sama menstruasi yang tidak lancar, dikatakan tidak lancar apabila siklus haid itu kurang dari dan lebih dari 28 hari setelah menstruasi. lebih atau kurangnya itu sekitar satu minggu.Nah, hal tersebut jangan dianggap sepele.. yah, bisa aja sih karena kondisi badan capek, banyak pikiran, dll. tapi kalo hal ini sering terjadi terus menerus atau sering, maka perlu diperhatikan untuk ditangani lebih serius.beda lagi kalo telat karena hamil.hehe
Mens yang tidak teratur bisa karena hormon yang berada dalam tubuh kurang sehingga tidak terjadi ovulasi atau adanya sel telur yang tumbuh. hal ini bisa memicu menopause dini jika dibiarkan begitu saja.
nah,, ada nih cara untuk mengatur siklus haid agar normal kembali. dari dokter spesialis kandungan bahwa dapat menggunakan obat oral contraception atau obat kontrasesi oral. maksudnya obat minum kontrasepsi yang berisi 28 butir yang harus diminum setiap hari dan jangan sampe lupa, karena kalo lupa itu akan mengacaukan siklus mens lagi. nah.. obat ini diminum selama 3 bulan atau 3 pack ( tiap obat habis 28hari, minum kembali sampai 3 kali berturut2).
semoga info ini membantu. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is "déjà vu"?

Have you ever felt that you as if ever do or through the moment?
it called "déjà vu" come from france language means that "already seen"
Some theori say that actually come from the same phenomenon that we've ever done by our soul in once upon a time in the past.
the experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike.
As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of deja vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group.
Another theory being explored is that of vision. As the theory suggests, one eye may record what is seen fractionally faster than the other, creating that "strong recollection" sensation upon the "same" scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye. However, this one fails to explain the phenomenon when other sensory inputs are involved, such as the auditive part, and especially the digital part. If one, for instance, experiences déjà vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then the déjà vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right hand would never receive the same sensory input. Also, persons with only one eye still report experiencing déjà vu or déjà vécu (a rare disorder of memory, similar to persistent déjà vu). The global phenomenon must therefore be narrowed down to the brain itself (say, one hemisphere would be late compared to the other one).
Do you know,, that not only people who can see who ever feel it,but people who cannot see also can feel it by their nose, ear, and by their skin.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where Do Dreams Come From and Why?

Dreams come from your soul and are intended to help you progress along your life path. In sleep the focus of the physical world and the body is on hold and during this period your soul has a perfect opportunity to dialogue with your conscious mind... or so it would appear. The problem here is that the subconscious never sleeps. Think of the subconscious like a faithful dog always on guard to protect its master. Your soul asks the conscious mind to make a change to some aspect of functioning in order to avoid a particular undesirable outcome. Let's take a very common example. Say your soul wants you to be less analytical / rational in your approach to life and to incorporate intuition / feelings into the decision making process. It dispatches a dream for this purpose. Ideally the dream is received and your conscious mind accepts the direction of your soul and begins a program to change in this direction. The more likely outcome, however, is that your subconscious mind asserts itself in the dream and provides all sorts of reasons why this change should be avoided. Due to this, the message / request in the dream is effectively spoiled.
Why does this happen? What gain does the subconscious make from this? The simple answer is that there is no gain but the subconscious still retains control in the area which was being addressed. The subconscious mind is being helpful as far as it is concerned and sees the reasons it provides for avoiding the change as valid. Drawing on your personal experience as evidence it will tell you "When you are open to your feelings you are open to being hurt, rejected and ignored. You'll end up sad and depressed." In this way it appears to protect you from reliving pain from the past.
The price for this protection is very high. Life is about increasing your awareness. Awareness is gained directly through eliminating the control the subconscious mind has in areas of your life. Awareness cannot be transferred intellectually. You cannot read something and become aware. However, you can read and then be more prepared to accept opportunities to eliminate subconscious control when they present themselves.
A very simple example from my life is how closed minded I was to any ideas outside the sphere of science. I immediately classed as idiot anyone who spoke of things beyond the physical. I was so sure of my conviction that I was unaware that my subconscious mind was in control - 'protecting me'. As long as I continued with that attitude I learned nothing. I was very fortunate to have been put in a position where I faced my fears head on. At the time I did not welcome it and in fact feared for my life. I didn't want to see spirit people walking around but there they were! I was so fearful of the very thing that I had proclaimed did not exist. Through my experiences I learned much about spirits and how my fear of them had no basis in fact. From spirits I have learned much about what I am - what we are. From childhood I always had a fear of the dark and slept with some light on in the room - even though I didn't believe anything was in the room with me. Ironically, since seeing spirits I now sleep with the light off and am comforted by the fact that they are there. The experience helped me to open my mind.
Most of us allow our subconscious free reign in many areas of our lives. Life shows us where these areas lie and helps us weed out that control. Our dreams support this endeavor by showing the causes and effects of our subconscious conditioning. Typically dreams show what event first caused us to act in a particular way. Then they show how we still re-act today due to the ongoing effects of that event. Lastly they show us how to change for the better. Dreams often bring us back to childhood as the time of our conditioning. As children we take on board everything about our parents. We see them as infallible and wanting to be so much like them we adopt their ways of behaving - both good and bad. At appropriate times in our lives our dreams select a negative aspect of our conditioning and ask us to eliminate it - thus reducing the control of the subconscious and increasing our awareness. In this way we are helped to achieve our life purpose.

How Aurora happen?

Auroras are caused by a stream of charged particles (mostly electrons, but some protons and a few other things) from the Sun getting trapped in Earth's magnetic field and interacting with the gasses in our upper atmosphere. The charges electrify the nitrogen and oxygen in the air and make them glow like a neon or fluorescent light bulb.
When photons crash into gas nuclei, electrons can take up that energy. The energized electrons use the extra energy to jump out to higher energy levels around their parent nuclei. The atoms are said to be ionized. The energized electrons then release the extra energy and return to their original orbitals. The released energy is electromagnetic energy - it's light.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Strange Places

the Bermuda triangle

"Door to Hell" atau pintu ke Neraka. in Uzbekistan, nearby Darvaz city.

The Strange Hole